Meet the Philosophy and Religion Faculty! A Virtual Roundtable
Join us on Friday, February 4, 2 - 3 p.m. for a virtual roundtable with some of our talented and diverse Philosophy and Religion faculty. Deena Lin, Kyle Dupen, Justin Tiwald and Jacob Needleman will be interviewed by Philosophy Chair, Mohammad Azadpur.
The Philosophy and Religion B.A., as described in the University Bulletin, “includes the study of the spiritual thought and practice of diverse groups, communities, and individuals throughout the ages.” The program's methods and aims are much wider than the typical academic approach to the study of religion. Most programs of philosophy and religious studies focus on theoretical and historical knowledge of the great thinkers and wisdom traditions, while SF State’s program includes that and so much more. This “Meet the Philosophy and Religion Faculty” event will be a discussion of how each faculty member enriches the study of philosophy and religion in ways that go beyond ordinary academic study. We will consider issues such as personal transformation, the primacy of spiritual practice for interpreting sacred text, yoga and the West, political spirituality, experiential mysticism, spiritual ecology, and feminism and the divine feminine. These are just some of the ways we will, in our conversation, draw on traditions as diverse as Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism, and Confucianism to address personal and perennial concerns. Join us to find out what makes this program special and the various ways in which it addresses the human quest for meaning.