Minor in Philosophy
Students who cannot complete an entire B.A. on philosophical subjects are invited to minor in philosophy. The first of these, the Minor in Philosophy, requires 21 units in philosophy, at least fifteen (15) of these being upper division units.
The flexibility of the philosophy minor and the wide array of philosophy courses allows students to choose a course of study that best suits their interests and complements their major program. Students interested in either the philosophical understanding of a field of knowledge or in philosophy for self-understanding should feel free to consult the department chairperson or an advisor on appropriate courses.
All course work used to satisfy the requirements of the minor must be completed with a minimum grade point average of 2.0.

Philosophy and Religion Minor
The Minor in Philosophy and Religion also requires 21 units in the Philosophy Department, at least twelve (12) of these being courses that focus specifically on religion, which are designated by a course number in the 500s.
Of the remaining nine (9) units, six (6) units must be upper division philosophy courses and three (3) units must be from a lower division philosophy course.
The department welcomes students from other majors or programs who wish to examine their personal philosophy or religious beliefs, investigate the philosophies or religious views of others, or sharpen their skills as independent thinkers.
All coursework used to satisfy the requirements of the minor must be completed with a minimum grade point average of 2.0.

Religious Studies Minor
The religious studies minor offers students the opportunity to study the full spectrum of humankind’s religious heritage from an interdisciplinary perspective. It requires 21 units.
Religion is an individual and social phenomenon, and the curriculum takes students through both realms. Students investigate basic value questions from the viewpoint of religion, of disciplines looking at religion, and of the individual in a pluralistic, unsettled world. More than half the minor's coursework is individually selected in consultation with an advisor, though course subject matter must encompass the different dimensions of the religious experience as listed on the "Courses" page. Students may choose to focus their coursework on a specific religious tradition such as Judaism, Islam, Christianity, or Buddhism; a particular issue common to different religions; or a particular culture or historical period.
As an interdisciplinary minor, Religious Studies can be taken in conjunction with any major.