SF State Artificial Intelligence Club Meeting
What is AI Club? Our mission statement is as follows:
The purpose of the Artificial Intelligence Club is to bring together students interested in learning about “Artificial Intelligence”, impart that knowledge, and share research with people who are interested in this field. The primary aims of the club are to bring together students from various disciplines to discuss and work together on current problems in AI, start AI-related projects, and build a network of contacts with others who share similar interests. Students can also present their own work, workshop their papers, and the club will attempt to fund attendance at AI conferences. Finally, expert speakers will also be invited to come and speak at meetings to share their own work in the field.
If you would like to become a member or would like to know more about the AI Club, please send an email with your Name, Grade, and Major to ekumar@mail.sfsu.edu.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 865 5115 7884
Passcode: 962954