Jen's shadow.

Jennifer Waller

( She/They )
Academic Office Coordinator
Phone: (415) 338-2470
Location: Humanities Building Room 389
The greatest gift is a portion of thyself. ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson.

You can generally find me on campus Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays between 9 and 5 p.m., but I am almost always available via email ( I keep aside some time each day for listening, sharing, and helping others with questions, queries, or concerns. Feel free to book time with me in advance! I stay current with university resources available to our students, so even if I don't know the definitive answer in a given moment, I can reliably point you in the right direction!

Otherwise, reach out to me with questions regarding the GTA and ISA programs, undergraduate petitions, financial and payroll issues, department employment, department operations, and the class schedule. I am also the right person to talk with about planning large department events, reserving space, and serve as the coordinator for the Chin-Plaisance Colloquia Series in Philosophy.

I've been with the Department of Philosophy at SF State for 14 years, 12 as staff. I transferred in from the College of San Mateo and completed my B.A. in philosophy with SF State. I've so far completed all M.A. coursework with the exception of a thesis, which is currently in process and tentatively titled, "The Husserlian epoché as correlated with Siegel's notion of hijacked experience."

On the personal side, I was raised by a single parent, started working my first job at age 14 and have been independent since my senior year of high school. I've lived in the Bay Area my entire life, ranging between Palo Alto and San Francisco. I'm always happy to talk about my experiences living in the Bay Area, and/or as an older student re-entering academia post-kids, but I'm open to answering all kinds of questions.