
David Landy

Professor and Department Chair
Early Modern Philosophy, Metaphysics and Epistemology
Phone: (415) 338-3126
Email: landy@sfsu.edu
Location: Zoom
Office Hours:
Fri: 1:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m.

Professional Website

Link for Zoom office hours

Please email Professor Landy to make an appointment for office hours.

  • Early Modern Philosophy (esp. Hume, Kant, and Shepherd)
  • Sellars
  • German Idealism
  • Philosophy of Mind
  • Philosophy of Language
  • Metaphysics
Select Recent Presentations

"A Kantian Defense of Sellarsian Picturing." Nature and Norms in a Stereoscopic View conference. Hungarian Academy of Sciences, May 2022

“The Problem and Solution of Kant’s Schematism.” TEMPO 2021, Georgetown University, 2021

“Lady Mary Shepherd on Mind, Body, and Soul” TEMPO 2020, Georgetown University, 2020

Recent Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles

“Sellars and Kant on the Unity of Apperception.” Philosophical Inquiries, 10, 1 (2022): forthcoming.

“Shepherd on Hume’s Argument for the Possibility of Uncaused Existence.” Journal of Modern Philosophy, 2, 1 (December 2020): 1 – 14 

“Kant’s Better-than-Terrible Argument in the Anticipations of Perception.” Kantian Review, 25, 1 (March 2020): 77-101

“A Defense of Shepherd’s Account of Cause and Effect as Synchronous.” Journal of Modern Philosophy, 2, 1 (January 2020): 1-15

“Sellars’ Argument for an Ontology of Absolute Processes,” Journal for the History of Analytical Philosophy, 7, 1 (March 2019): 1-2

Recent Invited Contributions

“Mary Shepherd.” Grundriss der Geschichte der Philosophie: Nineteenth-Century British and American Philosophy. Edited by Jennifer Keefe and Kipton Jensen, in progress.

“The Role of Imagination in Sellars’ Theory of Experience.” Sellars’ Reading of Kant. Edited by Luz Seiberth and Mahdi Ranaee, forthcoming.

“Shepherd, Hume, and Kant on the Self.” Oxford New Narratives: Mary Shepherd. Edited by Keota Fields. Oxford: Oxford University Press, forthcoming.

Public Philosophy