David Landy
Professor and Department Chair
Early Modern Philosophy, Metaphysics and Epistemology
(415) 338-3126
Email: landy@sfsu.edu
HUM 327
Office Hours:
Fri: 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Office hours are held in person and via Zoom. Please email Professor Landy to make an appointment.
- Early Modern Philosophy (esp. Hume, Kant, and Shepherd)
- Sellars
- German Idealism
- Philosophy of Mind
- Philosophy of Language
- Metaphysics
Select Recent Presentations
- "Tlön, Uqbar, Orbis Tertius: A Case Study in the Refutation of Idealism". Sellarsian Readings of Intuition
- "Kant and Shepherd on the Permanence of Substance". 300 Years of Immanuel Kant, Universidad Nacional Federico Villarreal
- "Shepherd on Judgment, Predication, and the Representation of Causal Relations". Shepherd on Representing Causal Relations Conference in Honor of Alan Nelson, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
- "Causation in Kant’s Account of Perception". Invited Symposium, TEMPO 2024, Metropolitan State University of Denver
Recent Peer-Reviewed Journal
- "Kant and Shepherd on the Permanence of Substance." History of Philosophy Quarterly, 44, 1 (October 2024): 361-81
- "Tlön, Uqbar, Orbis Tertius: A Case Study in the Refutation of Idealism". Philosophy and Literature, (forthcoming).
- "Shepherd’s Claim that Sensations Are too Fleeting to Stand in Causal Relations with Other Sensations". Journal of Scottish Philosophy, 23, 1 (March 2025).
- "Shepherd’s Accounts of Space and Time". Mind, 133, 532 (October 2024): 1100-1120
- "Is Shepherd a Monist?" Journal of Scottish Philosophy, 22, 1 (March 2024): 25-36
- "Shepherd on Reason" British Journal for the History of Philosophy, 32, 1 (2024): 79-99
Recent Invited Contributions
- "Sellars as a Historian: Early Modern Philosophy." The Sellarsian Mind. Edited by Jeremy Coons. New York: Routledge
- "Shepherd and the Representation of Causal Relations". Naturalism in Early Modern Philosophy: Spinoza, Hume, Shepherd. Edited by Jonathan Cottrell and Aaron Garrett. Oxford, Oxford: Oxford University Press
- "Kant and Sellars on Description and Modality". Kant's Legacy for the 21st Century: Knowledge, Culture, Beauty. Edited by Andrija Jurić and Jessica Leech. New York: Routledge
- "A Kantian Defense of Sellarsian Picturing". Wilfrid Sellars' Images and the Philosophy in Between: Nature and Norms in a Stereoscopic View. Edited by Krisztián Pete and László Kocsis, New York: Bloomsbury
- "The Role of Imagination in Sellars’ Theory of Experience". Sellars’ Reading of Kant. Edited by Luz Seiberth and Mahdi Ranaee, New York: Routledge
- "Shepherd, Hume, and Kant on the Self". Essays on Mary Shepherd: Causation, Mind, and Knowledge. Edited by Keota Fields. Oxford: Oxford University Press
- "Mary Shepherd". Grundriss der Geschichte der Philosophie: Nineteenth-Century British and American Philosophy. Edited by Jennifer Keefe and Kipton Jensen