Alice Sowaal
Associate Professor, Advisor: BA and Minor in Philosophy and Religion
Feminist Philosophy and Early Modern Philosophy
(415) 338-3136
Email: asowaal@sfsu.edu
Humanities 369
My office hours for Spring 2025 are Monday and Wednesday 4:50-5:15 p.m. (in HUM 384 and on Zoom) and Thursday 3:20-3:45 p.m. (in HUM 369 and on Zoom).
Meeting ID: 960 5870 6167 Passcode: officehour. (The link is also on the Canvas site for your class.)
For one-on-one visits either in person or on Zoom, please schedule here: https://sowaal.setmore.com.
If these times don't work for you, please email me so we can find one that does!
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