A truly amazing baby and boy, and a fine young man, so smart and so sweet. Jason grew up in Concord, CA and attended St. Agnes Catholic School from kindergarten through the 7th grade. The family endured some tragedies which greatly impacted Jason. He began to suffer from mental illness at age 10. He persevered and took several courses at DVC in Pleasant Hill. He was attracted to philosophy and studied at San Francisco State, where he stood out for his knowledge and kindness, and earned his B.A. degree. He truly was a great reader and student, with a very logical mind. He also worked as a TA - teacher’s assistant.
He co-founded the website, Scholardarity, with his friend, Peter.
Scholardarity - Bringing scholars and students together to push the frontiers of knowledge with papers in History, Philosophy, Literature, Religion, Education and Theology.
He enjoyed many types of music, and had a fun sense of humor including Calvin & Hobbs, The Far Side and Weird Al to name a few, and movie spoofs like “Dracula - Dead and Loving It”.
He enjoyed hiking, astronomy and photography. He loved the redwoods, the mountains and the ocean.
He was thoughtful and loving. He truly cared for others. He loved all God’s creatures, great and small.
In spite of his great sufferings from a bipolar brain disorder, he became the very special young man that so many of his friends, fellow students and professors have spoken of so highly. He had several ups and downs, but tried hard and did his best for many years.
He’ll be missed so deeply by his mom, Denise, his dad, David and so many family members and friends.

Jason Louis Zarri
Beloved Son
Born June 13th, 1986
Baptized into the Family of God July 20th, 1986
Entered into Eternal Life October 31st, 2014

November 13, 2014
Jason, You truly were the best gift God ever gave me. My faith and my brain tell me that there's a reason you left us so early. My faith and my brain tell me that God's timing is perfect. But my heart tells me it was much too soon! You truly were a beautiful mind, and a beautiful heart! I'll miss you each day of my life. I'll miss all the fun and adventures we had together, and all our future plans. Your beautiful soul is always in my thoughts and in my prayers.
November 29, 2014
Jason, You were truly a kind, loving, and caring individual. For the short time that I worked with you at Sears, I truly enjoyed working with you as a team member. You worked hard, made us laugh, and were a great team member. I am so sad that you have left us so soon and your family must hurt terribly from your loss.
Your friend, Nadine F.
November 11, 2014
Hearing of Jason's loss is very sad indeed, he was so kind and incredibly passionate about philosophy. I will look back with fondness on the numerous engaging conversations we had together at SF State. You will be missed
Jason. Anthony F.
November 10, 2014
Jason, you were a true philosopher, a great person, and an inspiration through your achievements and through how you treated others. You are missed and will be remembered.
Dwight P.
November 9, 2014
Jason was both a genuinely nice person and an extremely talented philosopher. His passing is tragic. I will remember sitting beside him at commencement, when we accepted our bachelor degrees together.
Nick A.
November 8, 2014
Jason and I were good friends as undergraduates. He has always been sweet and sincere, and it's not hard to say that he is the nicest person I've had the pleasure of knowing. I remember telling my professor that I wanted to be just like Jason, as wise as he is, as kind as he is, and as encouraging as he is. He was unquestionably committed to philosophy and learning. His commutes were longer than any others I knew of, yet, after the long hours to and from school, he remained steadfast and eager to learn. You are a good friend Jason, and a wonderful person whom I have always looked up to.
Jonathan C.
November 7, 2014
I wish I had gotten to know Jason better. He was always a invigorating contributor to our classes and friendly presence around the department. He will be missed.
November 7, 2014
I am truly sad, Jason was a promising young logician, he wrote an excellent, creative paper in the first class he took with me and it was published in a student philosophy journal. We had much contact about his subsequent work in modal logic, and I will miss him.
Bas F.
January 4, 2015
Farewell, Good Shepherd. You were a true lover of wisdom.
November 26, 2014
Jason, you are missed. We had planned to get together and talk philosophy. We should have planned for sooner. I suppose until we meet again...
Alysha H.
November 11, 2014
I will miss Jason's sweet and understanding nature. He was kind and thoughtful - I'm glad I knew him.
November 10, 2014
Jason was a true friend and fellow philosophical brethren. One of his most memorable qualities was his passion and prowess for philosophy. He was so astute and engaged that I both admired and was intimidated by him. But what I will always cherish about Jason was his sincere compassion towards others. He was such a kind soul and I will always appreciate his friendship. I will always remember our conversations during the long BART rides home after evening seminars. Jason, I will miss you immensely.
Paul T.
November 9, 2014
Sending deepest condolences to Jason's family. Jason is a much beloved son with a profoundly spiritual, gentle, compassionate nature. He accomplished much in his young life and touched many hearts and minds. Rest in peace and may your family be consoled.
Joan B.
November 8, 2014
Jason was intelligent, passionate and unfailingly kind. His loss is very hard to bear, but at least we can say that he had a tremendous impact on many people, through his example and so much more.
Justin T.
November 7, 2014
My dear friend, Jason: how I will miss our pizza lunches at Zachary's. I learned so much from you over the years, not only about subjunctive conditionals and compatibilism but about kindness to others and doing good while doing philosophy. Thank you for your love of your parents and humanity. My life is better because of how you led yours. I will miss you terribly.
Steve B.
November 5, 2014
Jason Zarri was a young man any father would be proud of. I met him when he was about 14. He was a quiet and a caring young man. May god have mercy and give rest to his soul.
December 25, 2014
So sorry to hear about this. I never met Jason in person but we were online friends for years and corresponded regularly. I learned of his passing only when I wondered why I hadn't heard from him in a month or more. May God rest his soul and give comfort to his family and friends.
Scott R.
November 13, 2014
I will miss Jason, his insights, his passion for philosophy, and his sense humor. Sad as I am about this news, I take some comfort in the fact that I have good memories of him and our meaningful interactions.
James B.
November 10, 2014
Dear David and family, There are no words to express our sadness in hearing of Jason's untimely passing. Children are not supposed to leave before us. but God must have needed some philosophical advice from a brilliant mind. May the fond memories of Jason sustain all of you at this time and know that there are close friends thinking and praying for you.
The Miglias
November 10, 2014
Very nice guy and a very hard-working student. Didn’t know him well but saw his passion for his craft and his kindness toward his colleagues. Rest in Peace
Jason. Luis R.
November 9, 2014
Jason had such a gentle warmth in his manner of speaking. You could tell he truly enjoyed other's company and sharing ideas with them. We had many chats about life and philosophy around the department... I'm sure he would have been a great and loyal friend if I had the chance to know him longer. He was one of the few people to come to the bar on my birthday last year even though he didn't drink or know anyone and had such a long commute after! It really touched me that he would go so far out of his way to celebrate with me. Jason's comments in class were always great addition to our discussions. He was incredibly smart and I just know he would've done brilliant work. The academic world has lost a great mind and so many potential contributions to it. My condolences to his family.
Ashlie M.
November 7, 2014
Jason was one of the brightest young philosophers I knew. He was incredibly passionate about philosophy and could spend hours talking about every corner of it. He was always so kind and friendly to everyone in the philosophy department. I regret that he passed away so young, and he will be missed by his colleagues. I have particularly fond memories of debating metaethics with Jason in the philosophy lounge.
Jen W.
November 7, 2014
Jason was a polite and engaged person, and he was a pleasure to have in the department. His philosophical ideas were deeply thought out and always enjoyable to discuss with him. I wish him peace.
December 12, 2014
Jason, you really listened to my philosophy ideas and helped me shape them. I really enjoyed those conversations a lot, and now I will hold on to them even tighter than before. You really were a true philosopher. We won’t forget you brother.
Anthony K.
November 11, 2014
I met Jason at DVC. We were part of a philosophy club, and kept in touch ever since. I appreciate our phone conversations and meetings whenever I was back in the Bay Area. I learned a lot from him: He had a brilliant mind and a compassionate heart. I will miss him. May God grant you eternal peace, and may you come to share the Wisdom you sought with such patience and dedication.
Carlos M.
November 10, 2014
Jason was one of the most brilliant and most kindhearted persons whom I have ever had the pleasure to meet. The world is a lesser place without him.
Sarah B.
November 9, 2014
I am another M.A. student in Jason's philosophy program at SF State. Hearing of his passing breaks my heart. He loved philosophy, was kind to all, believed in justice for all people and animals, and was so bright and talented. He had talent when it came to teaching as well which I know about because he gave a guest lecture in a philosophy of science course I took once and also helped me as a TA with logic homework in another class. I pray for all of Jason's friends and family members. May you be in Heaven with God, Jason, and may those who loved you most deeply find peace. As they say in the Jewish community, may his memory be for a blessing.
Kathleen O.
November 9, 2014
Jason, a kind young man with a great love for philosophy. It was always a pleasure to hear him articulate his views in class. As a fellow student in the M.A. program, his passion for the discipline was inspirational. My heart goes out to his friends and family.
Roberto G.
November 7, 2014
Jason, you were a truly wonderful human being. I'm terribly saddened you had to go. We have yet to give back each other's books! Some other time, I suppose. Farewell, my friend. Your light shines on.
Brandon H.
November 7, 2014
Dear Jason, you were an inspiration not only to your peers but also to your teachers. Thank you for your gift of inspiring me as your teacher for so many years. I will remember you as a passionate inquirer into truth, but most importantly as a person who carried on this inquiry with a kind and loving heart. To live forever in the hearts of those you have touched in this way is to have achieved an immortality to which even the gods aspire. With deep gratitude, Michael Sudduth.
Michael S.