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Undergraduate Philosophy Town Hall

Friday, February 07, 2025
Event Time 02:00 p.m. - 03:00 p.m. PT
Cost Free
Location Humanities 391 and via Zoom
Contact Email


Greetings Philosophy and Philosophy with Concentration in Philosophy & Law Majors!

As I’m sure many of you are aware, there has been a lot happening in our department over the last year and a half. You may be less aware of everything that we’ve been doing to address the changes happening at the university and improve our programs more generally. Well, we’d like to discuss those with you!

So, we would like to invite you to a town hall where we’ll fill you in on how things look from our side of things and what changes we’re making for Fall 2025.

We’ll also be happy to answer any questions that you have, and to hear your thoughts about how things are going. And there will be cookies.

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