Mohammad Azadpur
Office hours are Tuesday and Thursday, 12:30 - 1:30 p.m. in Humanities 387 and Wednesday 1 - 2 p.m. via Zoom.
Recent Publications
Analytic Philosophy and Avicenna: Knowing the Unknown, Routledge, 2020.

“Experience and the Space of Reasons: Rorty and McDowell on Kant and Wittgenstein.” Sophia Perennis (Jāvīdān Khirad), 17:37: 2020.
Editor of “Part Five: The Islamic Tradition.” Medieval Philosophy: A Multi-Cultural Sourcebook, Bloombury, 2019.
“On the Philosophical Shi‘ism of Naṣīr ad-Dīn Ṭūsī.” The Maghreb Review, 43:2: 2018.
“Avicenna on Transformative Knowledge: Against the So-called Porphyryrian Cognitive Identification.” Invited speaker for the symposium titled, Philosophy and Kalam in the Islamic World: From Nizāmīye Madrasas to Contemporary Times, organized by the Institute for Epistemological Studies - Europe (IESE), in collaboration with Bursa Uludaǧ University, Istanbul International Center for Civilization Studies (MEDAR), and MAHYA Publishing, Oct 30-Nov 2, 2024.
“Marx and McDowell on Alienation and the Animal ‘Other’.” Literature and its “Other” Traditions, sponsored by ICLA Research Committee on Religion, Ethics, and Literature and the San Francisco State University, March 25-6, 2024.
“Avicenna’s Empiricism, Revisited.” The International Conference on Anthropology in Avicenna. Iranian Institute of Philosophy, August 2021.
“Remarks on Hadot and the Decolonizing of Islamic Philosophy.” Workshop on Pierre Hadot and the Decolonial Islam. University of Exeter, Institute of Arab and Islamic Studies, June 2021.