Learn How to Apply to the M.A. in Philosophy

Are you an undergraduate student who would like to continue your studies in Philosophy?
If so, an M.A. in Philosophy might be right for you!
Please attend our upcoming zoom workshop and learn more about the two different paths that will allow you to enter the M.A. in Philosophy Program at SF State!
PATH 1: Application to the M.A. program. This is open to all seniors for Fall and Spring. Students do not need to have majored (or even minored!) in philosophy to apply or enter the M.A. program. They do need a 3.0 GPA.
PATH 2: Application to SF State Scholars Program. This is open to philosophy majors, and can be done as early as freshman year or as late as the second to last semester of undergraduate study. This program allows for a seamless transition from the B.A. to M.A program.
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Password: 068118